Crain-Ottman American Legion Post 207 announces scholarship and education opportunities

Elmwood Juniors and Seniors invited to apply


Submitted by Jerry Thompson, Crain-Ottman American Legion Post 207

ELMWOOD, WI – The Crain-Ottman American Legion Post 207 announces Scholarship and Education opportunities for Elmwood Juniors and Seniors.  Post 207 will be offering a $1,000 scholarship to a graduating Senior who is planning on furthering their education beyond high school.  Requirements: 1) Have a 3.0 GPA and 2) At the time of application, a parent, grandparent, brother or sister must be a member of Post 207, or a deceased member of Post 207.

Legion Post 207 and Auxiliary Unit 207 are also sponsoring one or more Junior boys to participate in the Badger Boys State Program this June 9th to 15th at the UW Eau Claire Campus.  Badger Boys State is a program which teaches its participants civics and leadership.  Students of all backgrounds, identities, and socioeconomic status are encouraged to participate.  The Legion and Auxiliary sponsorship covers all the costs.  Any Junior boy who attends Badger Boys State will also receive a $1,000 Scholarship upon graduating from High School and enrolling at UW Eau Claire for college.

Applications for these educational opportunities must be submitted to the Elmwood High School by March 1st.  For more information, or to request an application form, please contact Crain-Ottman Post Commander Jerry Thompson at