Traynor inducted into Wisconsin 4-H Hall of Fame

This picture is from the 4-H Hall of Fame Ceremony inductions. Pictured (L to R) is Jessica Jens (Positive Youth Development Institute director and the Wisconsin 4-H Associate Director), Bob Traynor (Wisconsin 4-H Hall of Fame Laureate), and Juniper Rydberg (Wisconsin 4-H Leadership Council Co-President). Submitted photo

Submitted by Amanda Kadlecek, 4-H Administrative Assistant, UW-Madison Division of Extension

MADISON, WI – Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development is excited to announce the 2023 and 2024 Hall of Fame Laureates including 10 volunteers, supporters and staff who have impacted Wisconsin 4-H. The newest classes of laureates were inducted in a ceremony at the Wintergreen Resort in Wisconsin Dells on April 28, 2024.

Among the 10 Hall of Fame Laureates is Bob Traynor, longtime Pierce County 4-H Volunteer.

“We are incredibly grateful to this year’s laureates and the countless hours of service they have provided to the youth of Wisconsin,” says Jessica Jens, Positive Youth Development Institute Director and Wisconsin 4-H Program Associate Director, University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension. “They have supported and inspired a generation of 4-H members to challenge themselves to learn, lead, and contribute to their communities.  Their selfless contributions of time, energy, and talent have created ripples of impact which will continue to positively impact the world around us for years to come.”

Bob Traynor has been a Pierce County 4-H dairy project leader for 39 years. His impact is most evident through his years as the Pierce County 4-H Dairy Judging Coach. He has helped to mold the lives of over 350 young people through judging experiences. Eighteen of these years produced state contest qualifying teams and three District Champion Teams. In 2007, Pierce County won the state contest. They represented Wisconsin at the National 4-H Dairy Judging contest, placing eighth in the nation. In 2012, Pierce County won the right to represent Wisconsin at the Harrisburg, PA. national judging contest, placing third. Four of Pierce County’s dairy judging alumni have placed in the top four individuals at the National Collegiate Dairy Judging Contest.

Traynor’s enthusiasm for 4-H is contagious and his coaching skills are matched by few. He lives the 4-H motto of “Making the Best Better.” Several 4-H alumni who worked with Coach Bob through the judging team describe their highlighted skills in presenting and public speaking.  One dairy judging alumnus uses those skills in mentoring and educating new hires for her nurse’s unit at Mayo Clinic, while another says that he has greater confidence in front of groups and knows for a fact that this is due to his work with Traynor.  He is very effective at working with youth – both the very young and teenagers. His enthusiasm for 4-H is contagious and his coaching skills are matched by few.

Traynor served on the Pierce County Board of Supervisors and has been very active with the County Fair. He is currently the Chairman of the Pierce County Fair Committee, having served on it since 1998. He was also a First Responder with Spring Valley Area Ambulance from 1997 till 2015.

Traynor, a life-long Registered Holstein breeder, served on the Wisconsin Holstein Association board from 2005-2011. He has shared his love for dairy cattle and a dedication to agriculture through his work with the 4-H youth while developing an appreciation and future for the dairy industry.

The Wisconsin 4-H Hall of Fame was established to recognize 4-H volunteers, financial supporters, staff and pioneers who made major contributions to the 4-H movement at the local, state and national levels. The candidates represent 4-H in the broadest sense — people who had an impact on the lives of children, their community or state through significant contributions of time, energy or financial resources to 4-H and its members.

Other 2023 and 2024 Wisconsin 4-H Hall of Fame Laureates are:

2023 – Gwen Dado, Polk County 4-H Volunteer. Lynn Feldman, Oneida County 4-H Volunteer and Retired 4-H Youth Development Educator. Walter (Wally) Hitt, Retired Marinette County 4-H & Youth Agent. Jane Marquardt, Retired Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development Office Manager. Mike Perkl, Retired Clark County 4-H Agent and UW-Extension Western District Director.

2024 – John and Jean Gurtner (In memoriam of John), Barron County 4-H Volunteers. Fred Washa (in memoriam), Waukesha County 4-H Volunteer. Michele Zimmerman, Jefferson County 4-H Volunteer.