ELMWOOD, WI – The Wisconsin DNR held a virtual Public Hearing in conjunction with GROWW (Grassroots Organizing Western Wisconsin) on Thursday, July 11, 2024. This was regarding the expansion proposal for Ridge Breeze Dairy’s permit application to expand their CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation, some would say “factory farm”) livestock numbers from the current 2,431 animal units (1,700 cows) to amend their Wisconsin Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) permit to allow for the increase to 9,010 animal units (6,200 cows) on the Pierce County farm (formally the Son-Bow Farms of Maiden Rock). 140 people came to the virtual Public Hearing in the Elmwood Auditorium. There were 300 in total involved in the call that originated from the DNR office in Baldwin and was moderated by Jeff Jackson.

There was testimony from 30 or more concerned people who were given three minutes to speak. Additional comments were allowed to be submitted to the DNR by Thursday, July 18, 2024.

The expansion proposal would allow waste generation to increase from 24 million gallons of liquid manure per year to approximately 78 million gallons. Owners of neighboring farms spoke of their concerns of having their water wells contaminated or depleted (the amount of water needed to support all the additional cows is significant). Professional engineers spoke of the potential adverse effects that this expansion could create and stated that an Environment Impact Study should be undertaken. This expansion could adversely affect the Rush River and Plum Creek watersheds and Nugget Lake due to the close proximity of this CAFO.

To read this and other premium articles in their entirety, pickup the July 25, 2024 issue of the Sun-Argus newspaper. Click to subscribe for convenient delivery by mail, or call (715) 778-4990. Single issues are also available at area newsstands and our office in Spring Valley, WI.