ELMWOOD, WI – In January, the Sun-Argus featured a set of stories about Rock Elm in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. One story featured the school bus that was used to transport children from the north end of town – the bus, which was a double long wagon drawn by horses was utilized in Rock Elm for several years.
Carolyn Maves (nee Smith) was one child who rode the famous wagon bus. Her dad was even the bus driver for a period. At ninety-nine years old, she recalls Rock Elm before electricity was a staple and indoor plumbing was a hope for the future.
“It was a wooden bus, like a box, and it sat on wagon wheels in the spring and fall. In the wintertime, it was pulled like a sleigh. We didn’t sit in seats; we sat on benches along the sides,” said Carolyn.
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