Pierce County ‘Connects and Thrives’

ADRC event is huge success

Kelly Bonner and Sophia Koch with Staying Put, Inc. were on site at “Connect and Thrive” to offer resources on helping seniors stay put in their homes. Photo by Cari Cornelius

ELLSWORTH, WI – It was a beautiful, sunny day on Sunday, September 15, 2024, for the kickoff “Connect and Thrive” event held by the Pierce County Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) at the Seyforth Building on the Pierce County Fairgrounds. This all-ages family event was held to encourage people to gather and have fun while learning about the importance of connection and supporting each other.

Over sixty-seven people attended the two-hour gathering to listen to the music of local band  Half Shebang and enjoy refreshments including cookies, lemonade, and more. Attendees were also able to win one of several door prizes.

Several local organizations were also present providing a variety of resources for visitors to learn about.

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