with Lisa Fesenmaier

SPRING VALLEY, WI – On Saturday, September 28, 2024, over 100 families were able to participate in a free clothing exchange. The event, inspired by one held at a local church in Ellsworth, was put together by a group of friends. Community members were invited to donate fall and winter clothing items, shoes, and books in exchange for a ticket.

The ticket allowed the donator to shop the event one hour prior to opening for items they may need instead, or in different sizes. After the ticketed hour of shopping, the event was then open to the public. The event also featured a bake sale with proceeds benefiting the Spring Valley Band.

To read this and other premium articles in their entirety, pickup the October 10, 2024 issue of the Sun-Argus newspaper. Click to subscribe for convenient delivery by mail, or call (715) 778-4990. Single issues are also available at area newsstands and our office in Spring Valley, WI.