Submitted by Kathy Allyn, Pierce County Dispatch
Authorized by Spring Valley Police Chief Dulcie Lilly

Editor’s Note: The Sun-Argus/Western Wisconsin News received the following press release of a “School Incident” from the above sources by email shortly after 5:00 p.m. on Friday, January 19th.

SPRING VALLEY, WI – On Thursday, January 18, 2024, at approximately 11:13 a.m., the Spring Valley Police Department was notified by the School District of Spring Valley of an individual who had possession of a firearm in their backpack, located at Spring Valley Middle/High School. The school advised they had implemented their “hold in place” protocol.

The Spring Valley Police Department, along with Pierce County Sheriff’s Office responded to the school. Upon arrival at the school, staff immediately briefed law enforcement of the situation. It was learned prior to law enforcement’s arrival at the school, staff had already identified and located the individuals posing the potential threat. Staff confiscated the backpack and took steps to make sure all students in the school were safe.

Law enforcement secured the firearm which was found inside a box that was located in the backpack, along with ammunition for the firearm. It was determined through investigation with the involved individuals and witnesses that there was no further threat to the students, staff, or the community.

This investigation remains ongoing by the Spring Valley Police Department and Pierce County Sheriff’s Office. At this time no further information is available for release.

Spring Valley Police Department would like to commend the coordinated efforts of the School District of Spring Valley’s staff who handled this situation very professionally and in accordance to their training by taking swift and appropriate actions.

The Spring Valley Police Department and Pierce County Sheriff’s Office are both committed to the safety of all students, staff, and the community as a whole.