Submitted by Botany Belles and Beaus Garden Club

WOODVILLE, WI – Over the past couple of years, the Botany Belles and Beaus Garden Club has partnered with the Village of Woodville to increase the number of trees growing in Woodville’s public spaces. Last year, due to a generous donation from the Woodville Lion’s Club and others, twenty-one native trees were planted. As they grow, these trees will provide beauty and shade to the community and help clean water and air, prevent erosion, and provide habitat.

Arbor Day, April 25, 2025, is fast approaching and we are hoping to plant additional trees in Woodville’s parks around that date. Once again donations are appreciated for this endeavor. In order to purchase the greatest number of trees, we take advantage of spring’s bare root tree planting season sales. Bare root trees typically run 40 percent less in cost than potted trees and they are easier to plant.

If you would like to help with this project, contributions can be sent to Ruth Anderson, Botany Belles and Beaus, 240 Willow Ct., Baldwin, WI  54002 by April 5 or donate using the link on the Club’s Facebook page.

It’s fun to plant trees as a group. If you or an organization you belong to would like to help plant around Arbor Day, contact Debby Walters (715-222-0021) or Mary Saunders (651-592-3091) with any questions you might have.

Remember the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago or yesterday…or this Arbor Day!