Audition notice for Spring Valley Stagehands Christmas show


Submitted by Spring Valley Stagehands

SPRING VALLEY, WI – Spring Valley Stagehands theatre is getting ready for the holidays with a variety show along with a one act Christmas comedy adapted from the short story written by William Dan Howells, and adapted by Burton Bumgarner.

Christmas Every Day is a delightful Victorian tale of childhood imagination and the magic of Christmas. It is a story about a little girl who wishes to have Christmas very day for a year.

Director Liz Erickson will be holding auditions at the Stagehands Theatre on Mckay Ave in Spring Valley on Thursday, Oct 12 at 5:00 -7:00 pm and Saturday October 14 at 2:00 – to 4:00.

The cast is made up of 3 girls & 4 boys from upper elementary to High school age. Adults 3 to 4 men and 4 to 5 women.

Show Dates Dec. 8 -9 -10 and Dec.14 – 16-17.

If you are interested in helping with concessions, backstage, building sets or helping to direct, please feel free to attend the auditions.