Century and Sesquicentennial Farm Award applications available

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Submitted by Liz Dietsche, Pierce County Fair Manager

PIERCE COUNTY, WI – The Pierce County Fair is again excited to offer applications for the Century or Sesquicentennial Farm/Home Award!  If you have a farm or home having whole or partial continuous ownership for 100-150 years, you are eligible to be recognized at the Pierce County Fair and, possibly, the Wisconsin State Fair.

Here’s how it works:

  1. The farm/home (in whole or part) must have continuous family ownership.
  2. Title of the century or sesquicentennial property must currently reside with a blood relative of the original owner, or legally adopted child of a descendant.
  3. Continuous residence on the property or in the state is not required, but the title must be continuous.
  4. An abstract of title is the best proof of continuous family ownership (we do not need this document).
  5. Application deadline is February 22, 2024.

The Pierce County Fair will recognize the honorees on Sunday, August 11, 2024.   Applications for this award may be obtained by contacting Liz Dietsche, Fair Manager, at 715.273.6874 / liz.dietsche@co.pierce.wi.us

For information on upcoming events follow us on Facebook (Pierce County Fair and Fairgrounds (WI)) and Instagram (piercecountyfairwi).  We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the Pierce County Fair August 8 thru August 11, 2024!