Submitted by Lin Linder, EGRRSC

ELLSWORTH, WI – It was a beautiful day on May 4, 2024, for the opening day of the 48th Annual Eau Galle-Rush River Sportsman’s Club (EGRRSC) Trout Fishing Contest at the Ellsworth Rod and Gun Clubhouse. It rained all day. Without the nice warm place to stay inside, it would have been bad. But it wasn’t, there were some good trout caught on the opener.

The river was high and kind of muddy. For the most part, fishermen stayed home. We had a great breakfast of pancakes, eggs, and sausage for those who did come out to fish.

Lunch was hotdogs and chips or chicken dinner with baked potato, carrots, and a bun. We have an awesome crew who cooked all the food, and we thank them very much. To those who helped serve food, we thank you. We were followed by a large auction called by Jack Hines. Thank you to all the people who donated to our auction and thanks to our auctioneer Jack!

Although the river was high, we registered nineteen nice trout for the day.

The money made from this event will go toward conservation, river, and maintaining our Eau Galle-Rush River Sportsman’s Club land in El Paso.

The Eau Galle-Rush River Sportsman’s Club wants to thank everyone who bought tickets to our Annual Trout Fishing Contest event.

The prizes won were: $300 – Scot Stewart, Somerset, WI, $150 – Dennis Kiefer, Spring Valley, WI, $50 – Cliff Hudson, Spring Valley, WI.

Fish Tickets – $100 – Chris Linder, Ellsworth, WI, $100 – Cloey Linder, Ellsworth, WI, $50 – Matt Smith, Spring Valley, WI, $50 – Weston Gooding, Baldwin, WI.

Trout Winners – Adult – Darrell Swanson, Ellsworth, WI, Youth – Dawson Sotona, 5 years old, Spring Valley, WI.

Best wishes for a good fishing this year. Don’t forget to mark your calendars, the EGRRSC is inviting the public to join them for an Open House, rain, or shine, on Saturday, June 22, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. in celebrating their 50th anniversary. They will have a live band playing and there will be many nice door prizes given away. Some political dignitaries are expected to stop in as well. The celebration will take place at the Club’s land along the Rush River in El Paso. We hope to see you there!