Family Friendly Workplaces launches Talent Attraction Website

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Submitted by Neil Kline, FFW

WOODVILLE, WI – Family Friendly Workplaces (FFW) announced on Tuesday, December 10, 2024, the launch of their Talent Attraction Partnership (TAP) website, available at This website will serve as a place for young families to learn more about western and northwestern Wisconsin communities and to become connected to resources to help them move.

“We are very excited to make such a large step in attracting talent to our area,” said Neil Kline, Executive Director of FFW. “Our workforce shortage is directly tied to the long-term vitality of our communities, and we cannot address both without becoming a premier destination for young families looking for a place to call home.”

The approach utilized in TAP is informed by the results of a study, completed with support from the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, that examined what “family-friendly ” means in communities and workplaces.

The study concluded that safe, engaging, and welcoming communities increases family friendliness. FFW used the findings from this study to inform the TAP website about how marketing can be implemented to attract talent to western and northwestern Wisconsin.

“The TAP website will provide us with a landing page for people who receive online ads. Additionally, our partnership with WEDC helps connect folks with the WEDC Community Ambassador program, which can help interested families become connected with specific communities in our area,” said Kline.

At FFW they believe in elevating the success of families and children and contributing to building communities that thrive socially and economically.

Employers and others interested in supporting this work should reach out to Neil Kline at