SPRING VALLEY, WI – New York Times Best Selling Minnesota author William Kent Krueger came to Spring Valley, Wisconsin last Thursday, February 27, 2025, and delighted the nearly packed gym at Spring Valley Middle/High School with his stories and advice for young (and old) writers as part of a sponsored “Author Visit.”

The co-sponsors for the free public event, Author Visit were the Spring Valley Public Library that received a major grant from the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) of Pierce County as part of their Connect and Thrive programs to help overcome loneliness.

Spring Valley School District Administrator John Groh welcomed everyone to the Author Visit and turned the podium over to Julie Prince from the ADRC to talk briefly about the grant and how delighted they were to work with Spring Valley Public Library Director Katie Schneider to bring the award-winning mystery writer William “Kent” Krueger to Spring Valley.

To read this and other premium articles in their entirety, pickup the March 6, 2025 issue of the Sun-Argus newspaper. Click to subscribe for convenient delivery by mail, or call (715) 778-4990. Single issues are also available at area newsstands and our office in Spring Valley, WI.