Queen’s Corner – Pepper Fest, Pickle Fest and Ox Cart Days

A packed weekend for the Woodville Syttende Mai Royalty

Here we are at the North Hudson Pepper Fest, with our Pepper bandannas. Pictured (L to R) Syttende Mai Queen Katelyn Gustafson, 1st Princess Jessical Alber, 3rd Princess Adeline Haugen and 2nd Princess Addisyn Wichelman. Submitted photo

Submitted by 2024-2025 Syttende Mai Queen Katelyn Gustafson

WOODVILLE, WI – Hi Woodville! This weekend, Saturday the 17, and Sunday, August 18, 2024, was packed!

On Saturday, we (1st Princess Jessical Alber, 2nd Princess Addisyn Wichelman, 3rd Princess Adeline Haugen and I) all went to North Hudson’s Pepper Fest, and on Sunday, Adeline and Addisyn went to Boyceville’s Pickle Fest while Jessica and I were at Star Prairie’s Ox Cart Days.

Saturday morning, we attended the Pepper Fest Queen’s Tea, where we met a lot of new Sparkle Sister Courts from Minnesota. The rain almost stopped long enough for us to make it through the whole parade, where there were lots of people. When the sun finally came out, we participated in the traditional Spaghetti Eating Contest!

Sunday, Adeline and Addisyn went to the Boyceville Pickle Fest Queen’s tea and parade, where there was a tro-pickle theme for the day. They met the new Boyceville Court and were able to walk around and see some of the festival.

Meanwhile, Jessica and I went to Star Prairie’s Queen’s Tea, where they had a Butterfly theme. We also got to meet their new Court and talked to a few Sparkle Sisters we haven’t met. We had a long wait before the parade, so we walked around the parade line-up. We talked to and got pictures with some Courts, and we even got a picture with a pair of oxen!

It was a fun weekend, and we can’t wait for next weekend in Cumberland.