Submitted by Syttende Mai Queen Katelyn Gustafson

WOOVILLE, WI – Hello Woodville! This weekend, June 1 and 2, 2024, the Court and I attended our first events.

On Saturday, we went as a group and watched the Roberts and Hammond Coronation.

The Roberts and Hammond ladies did very well, and we all enjoyed cheering them on Sunday, for our first parades and Queen’s Teas.

Princesses Addisyn and Adeline went back over to Roberts with the troll float. They spent time with the new Roberts and Hammond Courts.

It was a great day for a parade and the two enjoyed some rides together.

Meanwhile, Princess Jessica and I took the Ship float over to Eleva’s Broiler Fest. We enjoyed some great chicken, and even got to hold a parrot!

Next weekend we all look forward to going to two more parades as a Court all together.