Special guests attend Spring Valley Class of 1969 Reunion


Submitted by Donald White, Committee Chair, SVHS Class of ’69

SPRING VALLEY, WI – “As soon as our reunion committee started planning, the first action we took was to invite “The Coach’ and his wife.” said Don White, Committee Chair for the Spring Valley High School (SVHS) Class of 1969. “The Coach” in reference was Bob Thomas, legendary football and wrestling coach for Spring Valley from 1964 to 1987 and his wife, Helen.

This set the stage for a the 55th Class Reunion, held at the El Paso Bar & Grill on Saturday, August 3, 2024. The reunion theme was “One-Room Rural School Houses” and the banquet hall included furniture, photos, displays from the one-room schoolhouse days. Many of SVHS Class of 1969 alumni represented the last students to attend a rural school in the Spring Valley School District in Pierce County before consolidation to area elementary schools.

The evening began with presentations to Bob and Helen Thomas followed by their comments. Coach Thomas told stories about the 1960’s football teams, the fine players he coached (to include the late Scott Ducklow), competing in the very competitive Middle Border Conference, and his perspective on the transition to the Dunn-St. Croix Conference. Helen Thomas spoke about life as a coach’s wife and raising a family in the wonderful community of Spring Valley.

Following a program which included a memorial video of past classmates, and a couple historical presentations (the Akers School and rural schools in the Spring Valley School District), everyone mingled for the rest of the evening.

True to form . . . ‘the Coach’ didn’t leave until he had talked to every SVHS Class of 1969 alum at the banquet.