Spring Valley Area Ambulance holds 35th Annual Pancake Breakfast

Spring Valley Area Ambulance holds 35th Annual Pancake Breakfast

The SVAA 35th Annual Pancake Breakfast and Silent Auction boasted record breaking attendance on Sunday, February 25th. Submitted photo

Submitted by Brad Jorgenson, SVAA

SPRING VALLEY, WI – The Spring Valley Area Ambulance (SVAA) held their 35th Annual Pancake Breakfast & Silent Auction on February 25, 2024, from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. at the Brother Michael Center in Spring Valley, Wisconsin.

The event brought record breaking attendance with 518 people enjoying a delicious free-will donation breakfast of pancakes, sausage links, and scrambled eggs with all the fixings.

The silent auction was the place to be with over 103 generous businesses/individuals donating items to be bid upon.

Kids were able to keep busy in the “kid’s corner” with a coloring contest and guessing jar filled with candy.

Proceeds from the 35th Annual Pancake Breakfast & Silent Auction event will be applied toward the service’s equipment fund which is utilized to purchase patient and crew safety equipment to better serve the community and its surroundings.

The Spring Valley Area Ambulance crew cannot say thank you enough to the amazing community of supporters which allows continuing success while meeting the mission of service to provide the highest quality care possible!