SPRING VALLEY, WI – The Spring Valley Booster Club has come together and created a new athletic support group to help the Spring Valley Girls Basketball Program. The group’s aim is  to raise money to support girls’ basketball activities, including all age groups from elementary to varsity.

The money raised will include funds for basketball camps, new equipment, uniforms, and more.

If you are interested in making a donation, they can be mailed to The Spring Valley Schools addressed to Briana Baier or Rachel Traynor at S140 County Road CC Spring Valley, WI 54767 or dropped off at Pillar Bank under Spring Valley Girls Basketball Booster Club. Checks can be made out to: SVGBB (Spring Valley Girls Booster.)

If you have any questions please contact Jeff Thompson at (715) 495-4499 or thompsonj_52@hotmail.com.