Spring Valley Schools Facilities Task Force forming


Submitted by Superintendent John Groh

SPRING VALLEY, WI – Over the past 12 months the School District of Spring Valley has been reviewing facility conditions and educational strategies. Due to fluctuations in needs, and improvements in how education is delivered, we believe the evidence supports changes to how we deliver education including changes to our facilities. However, the direction our school district will take, and understanding our community’s level of support for improvement, needs to be researched before a recommendation can be made to the school board.

Along with a recommendation on planning for our facilities, the superintendent may recommend that the district conduct a referendum campaign in order to secure funding for the facility after having exhausted all other funding options.

To that end, Superintendent John Groh will convene a Facilities Task Force to review data and provide input on the facility need options and qualify community support.  It is the district’s goal to convene a diverse group of stakeholders. Members of the task force will be expected to meet initially on September 24, 2024.

If you would like to be considered for the Facilities Task Force, please complete the application form found on the school district website at springvalley.k12.wi.us. It is then found under the “District Information” tab and then the “2024 Ten-Year Facility Plan” tab.  Please email or drop off your application at the district office by September 6, 2024. Membership will be selected to balance stakeholders from various groups (parents, students, community members, business owners/leaders, staff, government). Please contact John Groh to learn more about the process.