Submitted by Lori Peterson, Spring Valley Stagehands

SPRING VALLEY, WI – The annual traditions of holiday concerts and programs came to Spring Valley again this year as the Stagehands offered two delightful seasonal events. The plays “Murder in the Heir” in March and “Beauty & the Beast” in July 2023 are coming to the Stagehands Theatre along with a high school production in April as well.

The Community and Youth Choirs, under the direction of Cindy Kongshaug and Ann Turner, offered beautiful (and sometimes antic-filled) renditions of favorite holiday songs. The turnout for the “O Holy Night” concerts was strong again this year and those attending remarked on the inspiration and festive spirit that was shared.

The next two weekends in December 2023, continued the merriment as Liz Erickson directed “Christmas Every Day,” a Christmas-focused play that examined what might happen if we did, in fact, have Christmas every day.

All who attended the play remarked at the amazing talent that was shared by the children in the cast, as well as by its adult members.

The final weekend found the Theatre at a near sell-out, which was an important boon for the Stagehands as they seek to raise funds to repair the 1950’s era building marquee along with other needs.

As you may recall, the marquee has been the unlucky recipient of multiple hits by delivery vehicles over the years, and this past spring, it really took a hard whack.

The Stagehands have issued an appeal to the community for support in repairing the vintage marquee, The following request was printed in the holiday show programs (and still applies):

Our Marquee Needs You! Thank you for all you do and have done to support the Stagehands. We truly appreciate your generosity, as we rely on our patrons and communities to help us upkeep our theatre space and provide live entertainment at a reasonable cost. Perhaps you noticed as you entered the theatre that our marquee is in need of some TLC! (If you didn’t, be sure and have a look as you exit the theatre.)

In March, a delivery truck hit the marquee and in determining how best to repair it (as this was not the first such blow), we saw that there was more going on under the surface than an insurance claim of $16,000 will cover. We have received a bid of approximately $40,000 to shore up the structure and ensure that it continues to shine. So, we are appealing to you to help us raise the additional $24,000.

Can you help? If so, please use the donation envelope in your program, or drop us some $$ love in the basket out front or in the mail. You can mail a donation to: Stagehands Theatre, PO Box 11, Spring Valley, WI 54767.

And thank you once again for your support!