Staying Put Events & Activities for January 2024


Serving Spring Valley and Elmwood areas
S312 McKay Ave., P.O. Box 193, Spring Valley, WI 54767
(715) 778-5800 – call for complete listing of services

TRANSPORTATION: SP provides local & non-local (mileage reimbursed) transportation for medical appointments, grocery, banking, pharmacy, & hair appointments. Call 715-778-5800. DRIVERS NEEDED.

MEALS ON WHEELS/Spring Valley & Elmwood: For home-delivered meals info, call ADRC of Pierce County @ 715-273-6780 /or toll-free 877-273-0804. Can you help as a Staying Put volunteer to deliver meals? Call 715-778-5800. ELMWOOD DRIVERS NEEDED NOW!

COFFEE KLATCH: Mon. through Fri. @ 10:00-11:00 AM at Staying Put office (check for occasional cancellations). Enjoy a friendly visit over fresh coffee or tea, donated treats. Clients & volunteers welcome, just drop in!

MEMORY CAFÉ: Every 2nd & 4th Tues. of the month. This is a social get-together for older adults, held 10:00 -11:30 AM at St. John’s Lutheran Church, S520 Church Ave., Spring Valley. Come share your memories & stories,  optional: bring a friend or companion. Enjoy coffee, tea & treats.  All are welcome. For info or a ride, call 715-778-5800.

ANIMAL COMPANIONSHIP: ATD certified Therapy Dog (Abby) will come for a visit! Call 715-778-588 to request a visit.

STRONG BODIES FITNESS SESSIONS: Co-sponsored by Pierce County/ADRC. Classes held Tues. & Fri., 9:30 -10:30 AM @ SV Village Hall. Call to register 715-778-5800.

BINGO: Wed., January 3, 2024, from 1:00-2:00 PM, at the Staying Put office.

SENIOR WINTER DANCE: Thurs., January 18th, 2:00 -4:30 PM @ the Spring Valley Community Center; featuring the BOBTOWN BOYS, Dancing, snacks and socializing. All invited/no registration needed.  Can you help transport residents from the Assisted Living facility?  Please call 715-778-5800. 

MONTHLY BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION: Wed., January 24th, 2:00-3:00 PM, at the Staying Put office; A Birthday party for volunteers and clients with January birthdays. Treats, games, prizes! Call to register or just drop in.

GAME DAY WITH SOUP: Tuesday, January 30th, 1:00–3:00 PM at the Spring Valley Community Center. Games, soup and socializing. Call to register 715-778-5800.

CARE BASKETS: Assembled & donated by a Staying Put volunteer, delivered to members experiencing loss, illness, loneliness, sadness. Call the office with tips: 715-778-5800.

TECH WORKSHOP: For personal help on your electronic device, from a youth volunteer; call 715-778-5800.