Staying Put hosts pre-Thanksgiving celebration

Kelly Bonner and Jenny Nyffeler serving the delicious turkey and wild rice soup. Photo by Cari Cornelius

SPRING VALLEY, WI – On Thursday, November 16th, over twenty clients, volunteers, and staff members of Staying Put, Inc. gathered to celebrate a pre-Thanksgiving style event. As visitors arrived to attend the two-hour get together, each attendee was given a special name that corresponded with the first letter of their name, and the month they were born. Attendees included Yammy Gravytrain, Turkey McStuffins, and Sugared Wishbone.

After getting their turkey names, volunteer Sheryl Sutherland wowed the group with several Thanksgiving themed “dad” jokes that had the whole group laughing and shaking their heads. The lunch menu included a delicious turkey and wild rice soup, fresh buttered bread, pumpkin pie, and other treats and snacks.

Following lunch, everyone was invited to participate in some games. The highlight of the afternoon was a carefully set up course of faux Christmas trees. Attendees were then able to choose to be a hunter, a turkey or a deer. Once the characters were picked, the turkeys and deer took to the “forest” while the hunter sat back with a nerf gun.

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