TOWN OF GILMAN, WI – The Town of Gilman held their October Board meeting on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, at 7 p.m. With all members of the board present, minus Treasurer Emerson, the meeting was called to order. An amendment was made to the agenda to strike two items – the Plan Commission report and convening of a closed session to discuss an ongoing legal matter.

The September meeting minutes were then approved as written and bills to pay were approved with a few minor additions. The final invoice numbers were made available to complete the payments on the 750th Ave. project finished in September. With a final payment to Mattson Construction and Cedar Corporation the project will be officially wrapped up while the town awaits reimbursement from grant money and bridge funding.

Next, the Treasurer’s report was given, and with no operator permits to approve, the public comment period was open. Joe Vandenberge, who has been a dump attendant for the Town of Gilman for over 20 years, announced his official retirement at the end of October 2023. The board thanked Vandenberge for his many years of service.

To read this and other premium articles in their entirety, pickup the October 19, 2023 issue of the Sun-Argus newspaper. Click to subscribe for convenient delivery by mail, or call (715) 778-4990. Single issues are also available at area newsstands and the Gateway Publishing office in Spring Valley, WI.