Viking 6th graders celebrate Wisconsin Science Festival – Oct 16, 17 & 18, 2024

Here are Marshal and Charles working with the robotic arm in the STEM Shuttle. Submitted photo

Submitted by Rita Magno Baldwin Library Director

WOODVILLE, WI – One hundred thirty-four sixth graders and two homeschool students celebrated the 14th annual Wisconsin Science Festival recently with a visit from the Wausau STEM Shuttle to Viking Middle School (VMS) in Woodville.

The Shuttle, a mobile classroom, travels throughout Wisconsin and beyond with a crew of veteran teachers, offering hands-on learning challenges designed to engage students in the middle school and upper elementary grades. “A couple of their favorite activities were stacking pennies and seeing who had the strongest grip,” according to VMS 6th Grade Science Teacher Nate Palmer. Other activities included building an arch, balancing a fulcrum and controlling a robotic arm. “Every student that came off the shuttle had a smile on their face.”

The Baldwin and Woodville Libraries partnered with the Viking Middle School Library to offer this special program right in the Viking Middle School parking lot.

“Bringing STEAM to Viking Middle School” was funded through donations from the Friends of the Baldwin Library and Nolato Contour, and a grant from the St Croix Electric Cooperative. The non-profit, Always Picked Last, helped cover the costs for lunches for all three days.

Many students commented that the STEM Shuttle was great.

“Hopefully, we can bring the Shuttle back again in the future so that more students can enjoy it,” said Palmer. “This was a great opportunity to have students explore the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).”