Submitted by Brent Knegendorf, Village of Woodville
WOODVILLE, WI – If you’ve noticed new paint on the village garbage bins, credit is owed to a collaboration between the Village of Woodville, OEM Fabricators Inc., and Single Source (formerly Pro Paint). Originally, built by OEM in 2008, the bins were showing the effects of time and use.
Brent Knegendorf, Public Works, Village of Woodville, worked with Christian Gausman, OEM and Barry Mahoney, Single Source of Baldwin, Wisconsin. OEM Fabricators donated the painting cost and disassembly and assembly, and Single Source donated the paint needed for the project.
These solid construction, durable and distinctive public trash bins are ready to serve the citizens of the Village of Woodville easily for another 15 years. Thanks to all who participated in this public works project!