WisDOT seeking public input on WIS 128 improvement project

Resurfacing project planned from WIS 72 in Pierce County to WIS 29 in St. Croix County


Submitted by Wisconsin Department of Transportation

MADISON, WI – The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) is seeking public input on a proposed pavement improvement project on WIS 128 from WIS 72 in the Pierce County village of Elmwood to WIS 29 in the St. Croix County town of Cady.

Go to the project website to view a map and obtain a comment form. Comments are being accepted through March 15, 2024, by:

  • Email: pitsch@dot.wi.gov
  • Mail: Wisconsin Department of Transportation
    718 W. Clairemont Ave.
    Eau Claire, WI 54801
    Attn.: Nick Pitsch

The pavement along this stretch of WIS 128 is showing signs of deterioration. To address this and other issues, the Wisconsin Department of Transportation is proposing to:

  • Recycle a portion of pavement on the 7.1 mile-stretch, overlay the recycled material with asphalt and place a chip seal and fog seal.
    • ​A chip seal is an asphalt surface treatment that consists of a layer of crushed stone placed on top of an application of liquid asphalt to reduce further deterioration of the pavement. A fog seal consists of applying an asphalt emulsion onto the pavement surface.
  • Complete chip and fog sealing on turn lanes.​
  • Clean culverts of brush, mud and debris.
  • Complete other project work, including gravel shouldering, pavement marking, adding centerline rumble strips and restoring the site.

During construction, WIS 128 will remain open to traffic, but motorists will encounter temporary single-lane closures controlled by flagging. Access to residences and businesses​​ in the work zone will be maintained.

Construction currently is scheduled for 2026.