Woodville Senior Center News and Events

102 S. Main Street, Woodville, 715.698.2152, woodcntr@baldwin-telecom.net


Submitted by Jim Wickboldt, Senior Center, Board President & Jill Huftel, Nutrition Program Manager


Senior Center Hours – 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 pm

Mondays through Thursdays – Lunch served in-house at 11:45 a.m.  Grab & Go pick-up at 11:30 a.m.  If you are 60 or older and desire a home-cooked meal, call 24 hours in advance.  The requested donation is $6.00 a meal. Transportation is available for those in need of a ride for a nominal charge. We welcome new visitors and diners!

June 6 – Center Board Meeting – 9:00 a.m.

June 7 – Brat Stand Fundraiser @ Nilssen’s – 10:30-4:00

Wed., June 19 – Playing 500 – 10:00 a.m.

June 21 – Outing for Lunch at Koyote’s Bar & Grill

Tuesdays –Bingo at 10:00 a.m.  (If you haven’t joined us yet, come early for coffee time.  Bingo is a nickel a card!) 

Thursdays – Game day at 9:30 a.m.

500 – We continue to play the card game 500 on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. Please call the Center by Monday, June 17 to confirm if you wish to play on June 19.  Also, let us know if you will be staying for the lunch that follows. We do ask each player to put $1.00 in the pot, and high score takes all. Last month Joan Mentink took home the winnings!

Bingo Caller NeededWe could use another bingo caller at our Center.  Bingo is played every Tues., 10-11:30.  Perhaps you might not want to call every Tues., but maybe once a month; options on the table.  If interested, please call or stop by.


  • June 7 – Brat Stand Fundraiser – The Senior Center will be serving brats on Fri., June 7, at Nilssens in Baldwin. We will be open from 10:30-4.  Free-will donation.  We appreciate your support!
  • June 21 – Fish Fry (or off menu) Outing to Koyote’s Den, WI-29, Menomonie. We will be taking one of our County buses and some carpooling.  Leaving the Senior Center parking lot at 11:30. RSVP by Tues., June 18, 715.698.2152.


  • Brad Eggen, United Fire & Rescue Chief, for your informative talk on fire safety. Thank you for your service to the community!
  • Kelly DeGross, new Senior Center Volunteer. We appreciate your willingness to serve the seniors at our Center!
  • To Our Volunteers – Sue Stene, Carolyn Iverson, Vi Roquette, and Gloria Bunnell, who all attended the ADRC Volunteer Luncheon in New Richmond. It was an enjoyable time and delicious food!  Thank you, driver Dena Hudson, for chauffeuring us!