WWH receives Department of Children and Families Partner Up! Grant

Childcare slots for 26 staff members received

WWH is the proud recipient of the Partner Up! Grant. Reducing the financial barriers, such as those that are required for the cost of childcare, eases the burden faced by healthcare professionals. Submitted photo

Submitted by Ryma Lindquist, WWH

BALDWIN, WI – Western Wisconsin Health (WWH) is excited to announce that the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families (DCF) has awarded them with the DCF Partner Up! Grant.

The Wisconsin Department of Children and Families (DCF) launched ‘Project Growth in 2022’. This program is designed to help Wisconsin businesses, communities, and early childhood education partners find solutions to ensure a high-quality workforce in Wisconsin. Under this umbrella of DCF programming, a focus on childcare was developed.

This program is known as ‘Partner Up!’ and to date, it has provided $26 million in funding to support businesses in securing childcare at regulated, licensed childcare programs in Wisconsin. Under this program, the true cost of care, which includes developmentally appropriate, safe and reliable childcare, is compensated by a combination of business contributions, DCF contribution, and in some cases, parent contribution. Contracted providers receive the full monthly true cost of care, as determined by DCF, for contracted slots.

At Western Wisconsin Health (WWH), our goal is to serve as a choice employer. WWH is the proud recipient of the Partner Up! Grant. Reducing the financial barriers, such as those that are required for the cost of childcare, eases the burden faced by healthcare professionals.

The DCF Partner Up! Grant program awarded WWH 42 childcare slots for 26 staff members with 65% paid by DCF, 25% paid by WWH and 10% paid by the staff member over the next year. “This incredible offering will provide staff the opportunity to save over the next year on childcare costs and will also keep WWH’s workforce consistent,” said Erin Benson, Director of Human Resources.

To learn more about Western Wisconsin Health and join our team please visit wwhealth.org.

Western Wisconsin Health, Building a Healthier Tomorrow, Together.