Jim Wickboldt, Senior Center, Board President & Jill Huftel, Nutrition, Program Manager


Senior Center Hours – 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 pm

Mondays through Thursdays – Lunch served in-house at 11:45 a.m.  Grab & Go pick-up at 11:30 a.m.  If you are 60 or older and desire a home-cooked meal, call 24 hours in advance.  The requested donation is $6.00 a meal. Transportation is available for those in need of a ride for a nominal charge. We welcome new visitors and diners!

Jan. 5 – Center Board Meeting (9:00 a.m.)

Jan. 9 – Show & Tell (following mealtime)

Tuesdays –Bingo at 10:00 a.m.

Thursdays – Game day at 9:30 a.m.


  • To our mealtime volunteers – Carolyn Iverson, Sue Stene, and Patricia Norman! Thank you for your faithfulness and commitment to helping us at the Senior Center.
  • To Patricia Norman, our bingo caller, and to subs Maureen Johnson and Gloria Bunnell.
  • Ross & Beth Keehr (Keehr Funeral Home) for the lovely poinsettia and 2024 calendars.
  • Lori McConaughey & Bonnie Van Someren for subbing for me while on my trip this Fall. The diners reported you both did a great job!
  • Sons of Norway and Town of Baldwin for your generous donation in support of the area Seniors.

SHOW AND TELL will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 9, following our lunch time.  Please join the fun!

SENIOR CENTER UPDATE:  The Baldwin Senior Center talks of their “Table of Knowledge”.  Not to be upstaged, our men’s table agreed on a name for their time of gathering around the table.  So, we are hereby introducing:


  1. Woodville Events: Larry Knegendorf, Jim Wickboldt
  1. Historians: Steve Aaby, Don Iverson, John Terkelsen
  1. B-W Sports Update: Al DeLander
  2. Woodville’s Latest News: Larry Knegendorf
  3. Knows a little bit about everything: Steve Aaby
  4. Health Expert: Don Iverson
  5. Joke of the Day: Steve Aaby
  6. For men’s ears only: All the above mentioned

Speaking for the staff, we so enjoy this group!  And they are good sports even when it’s time to kick them out!

REMINDER:  If school is closed due to weather, the Senior Center is also closed.